21 Tips to Gain Followers on Instagram

Submitted by: Emilia Rakel

Instagram is one of the best social media sites out there and here are some tips on how to gain followers.

1. Share the photos you have on Instagram on other social sites like Facebook, twitter, Tumblr. I try to post a photo on networks like twitter to create awareness of the fact that we are on Instagram and I try to make sure that it is a special photo.

2. Most of us link our companies to our Facebook and twitter accounts but only a few of us get to do the same with Instagram. You can do this by adding some of your Instagram photos on your blogs with links leading to your Instagram account.

3. Try and follow users who have interests which are similar to yours. You can do this by clicking “find friends” and then picking “suggested users”.

4. If you are looking to get more followers then your photos should not be private. The “photos are private” option should thus be off.

5. You should invite your friends from the rest of the social media sites.

6. Make sure that the photos you post are unique and eye-catching. Go for quality rather than quantity and this will attract more followers. You can get guidance from our article “3 Newbie Tips For Better Instagram Photos.”

7. It is a good idea to put descriptions on your images by commenting.

8. Use hashtags to tag your photos and this will increase the odds of your images being viewed by others. Examples include images like #sky, # cat or even # dog.

8b. There is a “Notes” application where you can store the common hashtags or the most important ones. This is also a good way for you to learn how to use them.

9. Try and be active by following others and commenting on their photos objectively. This will earn you followers especially if your comments are authentic.

10. Geotagging is another aspect which is as important as hashtags. This can help in categorizing data and content according to the location. This information has its own page which includes maps of different locations and the photos taken there.

11. You can make an announcement through email to your customers letting them know you are available on the photo sharing app.

11a. You can add Instagram on your website the same way you have Facebook or Twitter icons on your website page.

12. You can participate in the various photo contests available. Jessica Zollman (@jayzombie) is an Instagram team member who has a contest where people try to snap a photo related to a certain hashtag. Being active in the contests will earn you popularity.

13. Do not be afraid to comment on celebrity photos but make sure your comments are genuine.

14. Try to like photos by other people and they will feel the need to return the favor. However, try not to overdo it because some people may stop following you.

15. You should only seek to follow the iphonegraphers you enjoy. You will have more fun this way and you can build your own circle of friends.

16. There is a service known as followgram.me which makes it easier for people to follow you from outside the Instagram application. You can sign up for this service to make it easier for them to follow you.

17. You can make use of analytics services such as Statigr.am which helps you track different photos you have posted and gives you how many likes and comments they received over a certain period of time. You can then be able to gather ideas according to the trends and know how to capitalize

18. If you have a good sense of humor with your comments it will add you more followers. This is because people appreciate a good laugh.

19. Share tips and tricks and you will draw followers who are looking to learn. I started sharing about applications and how to use them and it got me more followers.

20. Thank people at the end of the day for their comments and this will make them feel recognized and appreciated. They will want to keep commenting and this will add you followers.

21. Try and be genuine with your likes and comments. Enjoy the network and encourage others to be genuine too.


Holding a photo contest is another way of gaining more followers. You can come up with a gift for the winner and people who want to compete have to follow you first. You need to participate in photo contests before trying to host one so as to get a feel of how it works.

About the Author: Steve writes for Buy Instagram Followers – a website designed to help boost your buy-instagram-likes / Instagram likes and instagram profile artificially.
Visit http://www.buyinstagramfollowers.co.uk for more information.

Source: www.isnare.com

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