PSD to HTML – An Important Process in Website Development

The creation of web portal involves an important step in Website development. Each website has to pass through various stages of website development. In order to impart the website users with a user-friendly experience, it is essential and mandatory to transform the PSD image files into HTML language which is understood by the computer and gives motion to the still PSD image files. Hence, prior to hitting live on the World Wide Web, each website has to pass through the process of Photoshop to HTML Conversion. Now you may be in question of how does a web development process benefit from this conversion? To suffice your query, you need to go through this article and know its importance.

Slicing the PSD files is a very sensitive process which has to be carried out with utmost caution as it will contribute to the productivity and efficiency of the web portal to be created. Further apart from slicing, converting them properly to HTML or XHTML languages is also of greater importance that will lead to an awesome website which is not only user-friendly but also loads quickly. This will contribute to the success of the newly created web portal.

Why PSD to HTML Conversion?
Now, the question arises that why this conversion is essential? The answer is simple. Most of the website designers and template creators make use of Adobe Photoshop for creating these website templates. But, these images are still and thus are not read by internet browsers. Hence, you won’t be able to browse through the created website. For making these websites functional and easy to navigate, it is therefore essential to transform these templates in a format that is compatible with all the internet browsers and operating systems. And this is achieved by converting them to the HTML, XHTML or CSS code language which is almost understood by all the browsers. Hence, PSD to HTML conversion is a must.

Markup Languages:
Markup languages have a reputation of being publishing languages required by the World Wide Web. They act as a foundation of every website and play a crucial role in making a website both accessible and readable in any browser. Thus, PSD to HML conversion is the building block of any website in the process of creation.

The actual process:
The process commences with the slicing of PSD image files into multi-layers. These multi-layers are further coded into HTML, XHTML or CSS, etc. with hand so that at the time of post conversion, the website becomes compatible and readable on almost any web browser and also appears in every search engine too. The markup files are further transformed into any CMS theme which ends into a website that is easy to load and hence user-friendly.

Coding part:
The hand coding part in HTML is one of the most crucial part of the conversion process and requires a core knowledge of both programming and the HTML language. The process is also very tedious and hence requires a dedicate web developer having loads of patience.

Source: Free Articles from

Maggie Sawyer is a professional html developer & a blogger by hobby. She works for a leading html Development Company, MarkupHQ Ltd., where she provides Html customization services and convert PSD to Html theme with her team of experienced Html developers. She loves to share ideas, thoughts and tutorials related to Html. You may contact her at twitter (