What Is A Call To Action?

A Call To Action (CTA) is an effective funneling method used on websites. It prompts visitors to perform an act; usually involving the purchase of an item or entering their contact details. Its aim is to increase the success rate of a marketing campaign or simply put, bring in more sales/leads.

Simple approaches to CTA include phrases such as “Buy Now” or “Sign Up Today”, where if executed takes the visitor to a purchase or sign up page.

The importance of using a CTA
A Call To Action tells the visitor what they should be doing next. If there’s no CTA on a website, it’s a high chance that the user will not know what step they need to make next in terms of purchasing a product or signing up to a newsletter/service. This reduces the chance of moving visitors further down your funnel.

You will find that the majority of successful websites have multiple calls to action emblazoned on a single page. For example, the Amazon Homepage:

1 – The Amazon logo invites visitors to “Try Prime”, their membership package
2 – Prompt at the top of the page encouraging you to “explore” their new and interesting products
3 – A Limited Offer of buy 2, save $50
4 – Recommended deals with a link prompting the visitor to look at more suggested purchases
5 – Another promotion of a rewards system, with a “Join Now” button


Conclusion: For a website that promotes products or other services, call to actions are fundamental in driving more customers successfully down your online funnel. A website without CTA’s in place is widely considered impractical and basically unfinished.

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