How to Protect Affiliate Commissions From Unfair Affiliates and Customers Who Dont Want to Buy Via Affiliate Link

Submitted by: Egidijus Andreika

Affiliates work hard to promote a product or service, thinking that they will earn commission for that. But it is a soar fact that part of the money is actually lost by affiliates. One of the easiest way to lose an affiliate commission is to advertise plain affiliate links that have a product’s website embedded: the most simple example is the affiliate program with such link like:

Let’s say an affiliate promotes his/her affiliate links using an article marketing. Visitors will read the review of the article written by the affiliate and if they like the product they will try to directly buy the product from the product’s site instead of clicking the link provided by the affiliate. So, after all the hard work affiliates get nothing.

Some of the most common problems faced by the affiliates are affiliate link hijacking where another unfair affiliate could easily modify the affiliate code and buy the product via own affiliate link i.e., if a visitor decides to buy the product he will become an affiliate of that product and will purchase the product using his own affiliate link so that he can buy the product and can also get some discount in the form of commission.

Another major problem is affiliate link bypassing where visitor will delete the affiliate’s reference in the link and buy products directly, it is just because some people don’t wish to buy the product by being referred by someone.

This article will explain how you (affiliate) can protect your commission from unfair people and maximize your affiliate profits:

• Link Cloakers can solve some of these problems. It is a special script or software program that directs the user from the entered URL to your desired page.

For instance, if visitor clicks the link:

the web browser automatically redirects to:

So, your visitor will not know whether it is a direct link or affiliate link, hence you will be protected from the unfair affiliates.

• Use Html Unicode format. Instead of providing the affiliate link in the readable format you can encrypt the affiliate URL with Html Unicode like:

so your visitor can’t understand what it means, he will think that it is the code of the product. If you wish to make this even more effective you can encrypt the entire affiliate URL and place it in the anchor tag of the link and place some image or meaningfull text as the visible link. You can use the text like “

Click here to order” or use the Buy Now button but always try to keep your link search engine friendly like:

as much as possible because it can help you to easily gain more visitors. This way you are assured that the visitor can’t predict the URL of your original affiliate link and you can reap the full benefits of affiliating the products.

These techniques mentioned so far, can protect the affiliate commissions from the unfair affiliates successfully to great extent. However, that’s not all… To find even better tips on how to protect affiliate commissions, visit Click2Sell.EU affiliate network blog:

About the Author: Egidijus Andreika is a creator of Click2Sell.EU Affiliate Programs Network. Click2Sell allows you to sell digital products online and run your affiliate program. Affiliates – Select and promote the best affiliate programs from the Marketplace. Accept payments via Paypal. Visit Click2Sell to promote affiliate programs online.


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