Embedded Suggestions And Persuasion

“Persuasion is often more effectual than force.” -Aesop

By the time you’re done reading this article and you’ve taken on the task of learning how to embed suggestions the right way, you’re going to feel really good. You’re going to know how it works, where it works, when to use it, and when not to.

Did you notice the embedded commands in that sentence? There are two: ‘you’re going to feel really good’ and ‘you’re going to know’.

This process bypasses your affluent prospect’s conscious filtering system, implanting ideas, thoughts and instructions.

In the first sentence above, I wanted to implant the ideas of feeling good and understanding in your mind.

One thing you’re not going to be able to do, nor should you even attempt to do, is try to get another person into a mindset that is not in their best interest. Manipulation–for good or bad–will slow you down. These skills work only if you’re operating in your client’s best interest. They work only if your client knows you’re operating in their best interest. If you’re appealing to their values, then you can probably get them to do most things that make sense.

Embedded commands allow you to covertly give instructions that will be carried out by the other person often later without the person being conscious that you caused it.

This may strike some of you as really manipulative. And I will certainly say that it can be used in a manipulative way. In truth, you are doing things today that were once embedded in you many years ago. These are things you haven’t given a second thought to. The values and morals your parent gave you are probably things you adhere to and think about on a daily basis.

It’s possible you’ve changed some of these, but a lot of them have probably stayed the same. There’s an ancient writing, a Biblical one that says, ‘Train a child in the ways of the Lord and he shall not depart from them.’

Embedding commands allows you to give instructions, it allows you to teach people and install things, which you can get them to act on at a later date. In an upcoming article, I will describe a specific strategy on how to do exactly that.

Embedding commands allows you to persuade your clients and prospects on both an unconscious level as well as a conscious level. As an example, right now you’re reading this and you are probably focused on the overall concepts. However, I could begin to structure my language such that another level of communication starts to take place. One of these levels can be hidden directives which are suggestions or commands that fit into the normal structure of a sentence but are marked off in a way to call the other than conscious attention to them.

Unfortunately, this is something best taught by listening so that you can hear the emphasis. The tonal changes, pauses, tempo–these are all of the main components of this strategy. This can also be used in copyrighting so as I write this, I will simply star the embedded commands.

Here’s an example: ‘If you learn this material. . . you will be able to use it powerfully. . . and that will allow you to feel good about your increased sales.’