An Introduction To Traffic Funnels

If you’re here you’re probably wondering what a traffic funnel is and what does it have to do with business?

A Traffic Funnel is the series of steps that a visitor goes through before they become an actual spending customer.

For example, with a physical brick and mortar store you place a sign at the entrance where the foot traffic is. Potential customers will see this sign and if interested, will enter your store. They will look around and view the products you have available. If there is something they want or desire, the potential customer will try it out/evaluate the item, and, if still interested will then purchase said item.
This is essentially what a Traffic Funnel is, but all performed digitally online.

So why is it called a funnel? Why not just a “process” or “series of steps?”

It’s called a funnel because at the beginning, a lot of people will opt in. Then as we get deeper into the funnel, people start dropping off – usually because after understanding the product or service better, they realize it is not for them. But there can be any number of reasons. Think of it as a filtering process. At the end of the funnel are the customers with the most interest and are basically your target audiences.


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