Banner Advertising – Does it Really Work?

Submitted by: Antonypq Oneal

Banner advertising is an evergreen form of advertising, and it’s evergreen for a good reason. Don’t you think? What you can accomplish traffic-wise using banners is totally up to you. If you have a budget to play with, then that is great. If your budget is modest, that’s ok because you can still get started. As far as cost effectiveness, you can do this at a very attractive cost, but again we urge you to become knowledgeable, first. Your results depend largely on your knowledge about this type of advertising. What we’re going to do is talk about several banner advertising strategies that you can add to your advertising tool kit.

In all copy, it’s a well-worn and known fact that a good call to action is indispensable for conversions; so that is an important part to have on your banners. It’s perfectly understandable when beginner marketers don’t even know what a call to action is, and then of course they won’t have one on a banner which only decreases their conversion rates. You have to tell your prospects to “click here” or “subscribe here”, so that they can click on your ad and avail your offer. Sometimes people can be funny because they will respond to your directions in the call to action. Don’t ever think that copywriting isn’t involved with banners because it is. It’s also important to test your banners, and there are methods for rotating banner ads for testing. You will use images and theme for a reason and effect, and then your copy nails it down.

You won’t have much room for copy, so your words (copy) really have to hit home and strike a chord with them. You can study other banners that are live and get good ideas for strong words to use. Every word has to count, and your ad has to depend on every word – so, avoid words that have no reason for being there. There’s a balance between images and copy on every banner, and if you’re not sure then take a look at active banners.

It’s also critical to keep the graphics to a reasonable level of noise – don’t make them too loud, but it does depend on your market. Obviously, your images need to capture attention and be interesting. If you want to be a little clever, make sure there is a nice and seamless flow from the banner to your site as far as overall impression from the graphic images. These are the kinds of important considerations you need to pay attention to. You can optimize and test your banners, and you should – then you can rotate to other sites periodically.

So, yes… banner advertising is still alive and well and highly effective. We actually strongly feel that banner advertising is much better than it has been in many years. The volume of people and traffic on the net has never been better. So go ahead and trust your instincts, and work on your banner advertising campaign or start one of you haven’t done it yet.

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