Features of a Successful Traffic Funnel

What are Traffic Funnels? To be brief, Traffic Funnels are the steps that a visitor goes through before they become a buying customer. And the basic blueprint of a Traffic Funnel looks like a funnel as well (as per the Traffic Funnel Masters logo).

At the top we have the largest number of people/visitors. And the bottom area has the least amount; however by this stage they have turned into customers. This is why the top section is large and the bottom section is smaller.

The key is to bring as many visitors through the funnel without falling out, thereby turning them into paying customers. Here are some handy tips to achieve this.

An Inviting Landing Page
Your landing page/squeeze page is the very first page that a visitor views when entering your website. It will give them a general idea of what you are offering. And for that reason, you should be spending the most amount of time developing this page. It has to look appealing and inviting to the visitor. Including an opt in on this page is essential as well. Opt ins are sign ups where they enter their email address for more information. This will give you their contact details and enable you to communicate with them via email. They may never visit your page again but if you have their email details then you don’t really need them to.

Have a Front End Product/Offer
Front end products or offers are what a new customer to your website will buy. It’s usually the most popular item you have, and also the item which bridges your customers to whatever else you are selling. You will want this item to make the customer want more of what you offer and urge them to purchase the next step.

Include Upsells
After a customer purchases a product or service from you, it’s always a good idea to then hit them with an upsell. Upsells are additional products that are related to what they have just (or are about to) purchase. It is like offering an upgrade or an additional feature e.g. Selling a basketball hoop and then offering them a basketball. Or selling a DVD player then offering the DVDs.

In turn, you’ve given the customer more value for money and you also generate more sales.

Although these steps are quite simple, they are crucial to the success of an online funnel.


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