How To Turn Pay-Per-Click Into Profit-Per-Click

Submitted by: Dave MacDuff

Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising is a very powerful avenue for obtaining targeted, high-quality traffic for your website. Not only can you build your customer list and increase your sales, but you can also reach new and international customers who otherwise would not be reached by your traditional advertising.

If you can properly utilize the power of PPC, then your business will reap the rewards. However, due to the competitive nature of hundreds of businesses seeking the same keywords, PPC can quickly become financially disastrous. The benefits of Pay-Per-Click can be easily turned into Profit-Per-Click, but only if you possess the right understandings and tools.

Understanding The Business Fundamentals of PPC

1.Evaluate your targeted customer and understand their motivations. Are your customers driven by savings? Are they seeking a premium product that is hard-to-find in the stores? What other competitor products are your targeted customers purchasing?

2.Review your competition. Who are the most successful competitors in your industry? What are the most popular items they are selling to your targeted customers? What PPC keywords are they employing? There are effective PPC management tools, such as, that specifically show you which of your competitors’ keywords are ROI successes or failures, the wording of their ad campaigns, and even what times your competitors are running their PPC advertisements.

3.Research your keywords! Conducting in-depth, relevant research is critical to ensuring that you possess the accurate keywords for your target audience. For example, if you own a cosmetics website, you want to ensure that individuals who are looking for “natural make-up” click through, not businesses looking for wholesale “beauty supplies.” ZamDoo can help you research specific keywords, average PPC costs across the search engines, and determine potential ROI.

4.Create a financial budget and stick to it. With PPC, the costs can escalate quickly. Make sure you create a budget that is appropriate for your finances. You can always start with a smaller budget and then increase it. ZamDoo provides you with easy-to-manage financial information that tracks all of your PPC spending and ROI. In addition, you can run free trials of your keywords through ZamDoo’s Web Crawl Test.

5.Select the targeted keywords that are best for your business. With PPC, the more specific your keyword is, the higher-quality traffic you will receive. Utilizing ZamDoo can help you discover not only niche keywords, but also the ones that have the least amount of competition; therefore, you obtain targeted traffic at affordable PPC prices.

6.Be smart when you bid on PPC. PPC bidding can quickly escalate and cause you to pay unnecessarily high prices. Make sure that you understand your ROI on each keyword and how much you are willing to pay for the potential conversions. Utilizing software like ZamDoo helps you keep track of the PPC bidding levels, as well as easily find other keywords that are just as effective, but with lower PPC costs.

7.Fresh copy is key! Although you may have the best targeted keywords, your potential customer will not click through to your website unless your PPC ad is compelling. Research the ads your competitors are writing to understand how you can write better ones. In addition, it is important to run different ads, monitor their click-through-ratios and conversions, and adjust accordingly. Use ZamDoo to effectively manage the different ad copy campaigns you are utilizing to find the ones that are most successful. In addition, ZamDoo will give you the insight of the successful or not-so-successful ads your competitors are running in the same keywords.

8.Create customized landing pages for your keywords. The landing page is one of the most important factors of increasing conversions from your PPC. If your landing page is not targeted for your keyword, then your conversions will suffer. It is a great idea to test several landing pages for you keywords. ZamDoo makes it easy to manage all your landing pages for your keywords, as well as monitor which ones are the best in conversions.

9.Review your results constantly. To make the most out of your PPC campaign, it is critical to continuously evaluate the effectiveness of your keywords and landing pages for ROI. ZamDoo’s powerful platform helps you easily keep track of all your campaigns and their returns, thus saving you time and money.

By implementing the nine business fundamentals of PPC, you are well on your way to creating profitable campaigns for your online business. With the help of ZamDoo, you can quickly turn Pay-Per-Click to Profit-Per-Click with their excellent management tools that save you both time and money.

About the Author: Dave McDuff is the co-founder of the ultimate PPC ad research tool on the market – ZamDoo! With ZamDoo (, internet marketers can research the PPC ad space on Google, MSN & Yahoo, and discover which ad text, positions, keywords and time of ad placement are the most successful. Having this information before starting a campaign means marketers can enter a new market (or refine existing campaigns) with rich data on their competitors.


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