Leverage Instagram to Boost Your Ecommerce Sales

Submitted by: Online Deal

Instagram is an important plat form for engaging consumers. Instagram has as many as 100 million active users and making 1000 comments each second, and has been leveraged by most brands because of its engaging nature. Consumers here come here and photograph every day. Instagram is a big marketing opportunity for all brands.

Therefore, it is important to go by certain point to leverage this social media platform. We’ll discuss here briefly how we can make it success.

Participation by fans

Being a top brand you’re likely to have hash-tagged photos of your products on Instagram. You can run a contest, or campaign, For example, you are an ecommerce brand and you’re planning to launch sales during summer. You could run campaign; say “Make this summer memorable with chance to win $500 along with free gift vouchers.”

Keep your gallery on display

Take the help of your fans! If you want post fan photos on line. You can host a micro website for entries and display them. Use content aggregation tool or service so that it helps make minor changes in your photos. Once you are sure how you can engage customers, you can go the next step.

Photos and product pages

When you launched a campaign, your fans come up to submit your brand relevant photos. When a new/current customer visits your site to buy a product, they may or may not find the product, or it may take long to get the particular product in the photograph.

To avoid this inconvenience to the customer, identifying the product submitted by the fan and linking it to product to the ecommerce page to the microsite or Facebook page tab is an easy method. By this, buyers can access your store directly to close a buying deal.

It is important to make not that social promotion, photo campaigns and contests, etc. are useful in boosting customer engagement and they hardly help increase online purchases. Taking an additional measure to identify and link the products to your ecommerce pages, you can help the channel that brings your site fan and the social network promotion that bring you extra web traffic and revenue.

Post customer phones on you site

The objective of using customer photos is to use the concept of ‘social proof’ coined by Robert Cialdini (an eminent psychologist). Social proof implies that people’s view converges at a particular point, particularly when there is a great deal of uncertainly. As human beings, we tend to mimic fellow human beings when it comes to behaving in a certain way.

When consumers visit a product page, they find products featured with professional photographs with professional ad models. This makes it look there is hardly any relevance between the real customers and the models with products featured in the site. Experience has shown that when real customers are featured with products conversion rose by 30%.

To get best results by posting real customers photos on your product pages, ensure the product page matches with product in customer photos, and those of other products and create their thumbnails and link them to other ecommerce pages.


If you’re planning to leverage Instagram for ecommerce by posting user generated content make sure to imply with their Terms of Service. This ensures not saving any photo but only on Instagram page, and if a user remove a photo or makes it ‘private’, it’ll show the result as it should.

About the Author: Online Deal was founded with an objective of becoming a market leader at regional level in providing customers a vast selection of authentic products at most competitive prices. Looking for buy comfort pillows in Dubai and buy electronics accessories Dubai, visit our site http://onlinedeal.ae/.

Source: www.isnare.com

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