Mobile Marketing Tips and Mobile Marketing FAQs

Submitted by: Raymond Snyder

As mobile devices become ever-more advanced and sophisticated, local businesses are realizing that they don’t need to create expensive websites simply in order to reach potential customers in their community. There are ways that they can create an outreach, and a fan base right in their backyards!

Here are some ways that a local business owner can use mobile devices to create more revenue for their business.

1. Create an opt-in list for mobile phones and devices. Just as is the case for email addresses, no one wants to get spam on their mobile device. Find a way to implement an opt in code for mobile phones, so that you can add phone numbers to your text list.

2. To this end, make sure that people understand exactly how often they will receive a message. For example, if a person was going to subscribe online, they’d know to expect a message daily, weekly, etc. Let your mobile subscribers know how often they should expect to hear from you, and offer them a way out via an unsubscribe option if they prefer. You can create a code that allows subscribers to opt in, and you can have them send you a code to opt out.

3. Keep your text concise and to the point. You only have a precious few characters to get your message across. Also, don’t belabor your readers, and don’t bore them to death. The purpose is simply to let people know that you are in their area, and to invite them to do business with you.

4. Make your messages personal. People like it when they get personalized messages online, and they’ll feel the personal touch when they get personal messages on their mobile device. This will work out especially well for sales and for promotions.

Mobile Marketing FAQs

While many Internet marketers know that it’s important to market themselves in as many ways as possible online, they might not know about mobile marketing, or they might be intimidated by mobile marketing since it’s still a somewhat new marketplace today. Some people are resistant to change, although they need to keep in mind that mobile marketing is definitely the new wave of the future that is already in motion. Here are answers to some common questions with regards to mobile marketing.

Should I take advantage of mobile marketing as a part of my overall marketing campaign?

Yes, you absolutely should if you’re serious about expanding your brand and your revenue. Mobile marketing involves reaching out to people as they are going about their day. While people have amazing access to the Internet more than ever before, more and more have a cell phone with online access. If one relies simply upon Internet marketing, their business is dependent on SEO searches. On the other hand, when a business owner takes advantage of mobile marketing, a person doesn’t have to be looking for your business niche; you can reach out to them whether they’re looking for you or not. In fact, some people might not know that they’re looking for you until they get a message from you.

What is one advantage of mobile marketing as opposed to basic Internet computer marketing?

The biggest advantage of taking part in a mobile marketing campaign is that you get the potential buyer’s full attention. For example, if someone visits a website, then not only will they have to read the content, they may also be captivated by some of the links or other things that are on the website. In other words, since attention spans on the internet are extremely short, a person has to work that much harder to keep a person interested in their website without clicking away. On the other hand, when a person gets a mobile marketing message, there are no other links to attract their attention. In fact, you have a person’s full attention, so the chances are more likely that he or she will at least contact you to see what else you have to say.

Is a mobile marketing campaign expensive?

Many people might be surprised to learn that a mobile marketing campaign is no more expensive than performing a basic Internet marketing campaign, and in some cases, it’s less expensive. They’ll be surprised to learn that they can market and promote the same products that they do online on people’s mobile phones. Marketers simply need to connect with a mobile marketing firm that can help them get set up, and then create amazing new avenues of advertising.

About the Author: If you want to expand your outreach, mobile marketing at may be the very best way to go. Get help marketing by reaching out to: Kingdom Media at today, and grow your business!


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