Monitoring Email Marketing Campaigns – Using Email Marketing Effectively

Submitted by: Malcolm Tebbutt

We placed a full article on our site about email marketing generally, ie setting up email processes, creating the right design and content, and choosing the best timing for your campaign. This short article summarises what to do and check once you have sent out your campaign.

1.Set up a proper email marketing M/I system

Be sure to check which mails bounced, which were opened / unopened and who clicked on which links. This kind of M/I is essential in measuring the success of your email marketing spend and in tailoring your follow up.

2. Check your open rate

For good email marketing, you need to measure your overall relationship with your audience. Around 30% is OK. Less than 20% and you are probably not engaging your readers. We have observed that open rates tail off rapidly when people send too many mailings in a short space of time. On the other hand a string of well constructed “teasers” can be very effective.

3.How many SPAM complaints did you get?

If your mailing list is made up of proper subscribers who are expecting to hear from you, you should expect no SPAM complaints at all. Any more than 0.1% and you are doing something wrong which is causing a negative reaction with your readers. Find out what it is and stop doing it.

4.Know who clicked which links

Good software (such as that which NCS has used for some time in its email marketing) will show you the email address of everybody who clicked on each link in your mailing. Consider follow up emails to those who clicked certain important links (e.g. the link to your new product)

5.Compare campaign statistics

If you take email marketing seriously, you should check the results of campaigns sent at various different times to find when it’s best reach your target audience.

6.Delete the unsubscribes

Make sure those who unsubscribe hear from you no more. Likewise, be sure to stop sending emails to addresses which have a hard bounce (e.g. no such email address, no such domain).

You can resend emailings which bounce with a soft bounce (i.e. something like mail box full) – you may get through next time.

7.Archive them

It is a good idea to archive your emailings on your website. They add to the richness of the site content which can help with your search engine rankings. And you can refer to them in subsequent articles, or exchanges with your clients.

Although these are simple points, it may well be useful to get input from an experienced web promotion company on how to develop your internet marketing in this way

Malcolm Tebbutt

Director, Net Commerce Solutions

Note for Webmasters: All our articles are copyright to NCS but may be copied and published in part or in whole on your websites on a non-profit basis as long as they are credited to NCS and have an appropriate link to our website

About the Author: Malcolm is a Director of , which provides a full range of web management services from its base in Hertfordshire – he has built extensive experience and expertise in managing email campaigns for his clients


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