Promoting your Review Blog

It’s not enough to write great posts for affiliate products you are reviewing: You want to make the most of every word.

To do this, you need to promote your reviews… as well as the blog that houses them! There are lots of different ways to do this – and they all relate to your topic (not your product.)

For example, say the topic around which your affiliate career revolves is “sailing”. You could create a Squidoo lens about sailing. You’d populate your Squidoo lens with 3 or 4 mini posts. One could be “nautical terms”; another “types of sailboats”; another, “tall ships” – and this is where it gets interesting – you could also include an eye-catching mini-article such as: “10 Worst Mistakes Inexperienced Sailors Make”.

Now, you’re doing all this because you found a product in ClickBank with an excellent commission rate, great sales page and high gravity. It’s called “The Newbies’ Sailing Guide”. You’re promoting it on your blog with one of your reviews.

Who do you want to buy the “The Newbies’ Sailing Guide”?

That’s right. People new to sailing. Think they’re going to be interested in “10 Worst Mistakes” much?

You bet!

At the end of your “10 Worst Mistakes”, your readers are so thankful to you for tipping them off on how to avoid or deal with potentially embarrassing or dangerous problems, you’ve already create a degree of trust. When they come to your final call to action – “To read more about sailing for Newbies, visit” – they’re only too eager to see what else you have to say.

This link should take the reader, not to your product sales page – but to your review.

And your review will end with another call to action. “You can find many more tips like these at “The Newbies Sailing Guide”. (And that link does lead straight to your vendor’s sales page – via your affiliate hoplink!)

That’s just one way you can bring traffic to your review blog. Others involve:

• Press releases
• Article Marketing
• Other Social Media such as Facebook, Twitter
• Posting backlinked comments on related authority blogs

But no matter which mode of promotion you decide to use – check the guidelines of each site or social media platform first!

And don’t forget those disclosures and disclaimers!