Unique Fund Raising Idea

Is it possible to raise a lot of money, and not work hard?
Is it possible to raise money not only once, but keep receiving all the time?
The answer to both questions is a definite ‘YES’.

Don’t you think that people are tired of dishing out money for things they don’t really need? Their child comes home from school, yet again, with boxes of ‘old fashioned cookies’, or a box of assorted chocolates to sell to friends and family. It’s understandable, the school needs money. (don’t we all!) Of course, it’s not safe to send their offspring out knocking on neighbor’s doors without a chaperone, so the easiest way would be to cough up the money themselves! Right?
No wonder people complain that they need a pant size bigger every year. Not to mention their budget dropping like socks without elastic!

What about those sweet-smelling candles that arrive by the boxes? Fantastic aroma, but bulky to store and a definite pain in the back to lift!

If you are a principle, maybe you have heard complaints from your teachers. Babysitting tens of thousands of candles was never part of their contract! Or was it?

Personally, I love candles, but let’s face facts here, we are talking about hard work for those people who really want to help your school, or your organization to raise money – They know you are in need, and they know you need the money ‘yesterday’.  

Accidents happen and unfortunately things have a habit of breaking. What then?  
Do we need to dig a grave for broken candles, broken cookies and candy and lay them down to rest?

To my knowledge, first teachers have to find out from their students the choice of candle fragrance their potential customer requests, then they have to scramble through boxes of candles (breaking at least two finger nails in the process) until they come across the correct item. Of course, we won’t mention the time consuming process of packing. All this has to happen hundreds/thousands of times depending on the number of candles you have received from the candle company.
Time consuming? YES, very!
Now the teacher passes the ‘baton’ to the student who continues the race until the money is transferred into their tiny and maybe sticky hands and later deposited back into the capable hands of the teacher. Hence, the teacher crosses the finish line of this very long fundraising marathon by counting every last penny. Out of breath and running low on a sense of humor, the teacher deposits all the hard earned cash into the treasurers safe and collapses in a chair from exhaustion. 

Let’s take a quick look at the function for the children. Very often unhappy kids have to persuade (or at times beg) their family, neighbors, friends to purchase the ‘irresistible items.’ Pressure is on, because there is always a dead line!

Is the amount raised really worth the time and hard work invested?

Now what about the third side of the triangle, potential customers!

How many of them are motivated to buy because they just feel sorry for the kids; knowing full well that they could buy cheaper in Wal-Mart or in other stores. That ‘puppy-dog look’ works every time! Moths take flight as the dollars see daylight! (Well, it’s good to air the wallet every now and then!)

Are you tired just reading this article?

Well, if you have managed to keep reading up till now, then I want to congratulate you by offering a Kleenex to wipe off the sweat from your brow.

Now I invite you to sit back and relax. Please allow me the pleasure to tell you about the most ingenious fund-raising idea on the market today. This will blow your mind.


Is it possible to raise a lot of money, and not work hard?
Is it possible to raise money not only once, but keep receiving all the time?
The answer to both questions is a definite ‘YES’.

Listen on….

Many PTO, PTA, PTF , etc. presidents, teachers and parents are so overwhelmed with work that they do not have time, energy or desire to investigate in anything new.
This is why I have done the investigation for you. See what you think about the discovery I have made; you won’t be disappointed.

What is it?

Do you think potential clients, family members, neighbors, and other children’s friends would like the sound of saving a lot of money every month on the things they usually buy? Would that question catch their attention?

People are not usually so keen in giving up their money, but from past experience I know that almost everybody has listening ears when it comes to ideas on how to cut back on expenses.

So what is it? Come on!!!! You’re probably saying!

Well, I want to paint the full picture, so that you will be able to enjoy the full beauty of this masterpiece!

I would like you to consider reviewing this idea in order to:
Raise significant and on-going money with no collections, no products to stock or deliver, no returns or charge-backs, but get an on-going income – residual income, ‘Month after month, after month’.
By the way, it is so easy that anybody can do it. Does it sound appealing?
The name of this idea is : “GatorPond” – this will save your supporters money (which I will explain in a minute) and they will also have a lot of fun cooperating with you.
GatorPond is a ‘Media Trading Program Online’, where people can trade DVDs for DVDs, music CDs for music CDs, video tapes for video tapes and video games for video games, with other people who are also members of GatorPond.
Unlimited trading for only $19.95 monthly membership fee.
Your supporters will SAVE money on their Media Budget, while at the same time your Organization will earn $5.00 per month from ‘every supporter’ who becomes a GatorPond Member!
GatorPond will send you a check to your school/organization every month, after the monthly membership fee has been automatically withdrawn from your supporters’ credit card.
Your supporters will also save on gas, because they will not need to drive to different stores to get DVDs, Music CDs, Video Games and VHS tapes.
Here is an example to explain how your school/organization will be able to raise funds.
-If you have 500 students (employees) and they will sell only 3 memberships each, that will give you the total of 1500 Memberships. Multiplying that by $5.00, will equal $7,500.00 per month and $90,000.00 per year for your school/organization.  
This is with no up-front cost or risk of any kind  – You can see on the chart – download it in pdf file to see what will happen to your school financially. All problems will be solved with the extra monthly cash coming into your bank account. It is nothing else but a true win-win situation.
You do not need to invest any money, and you will gain passive income with minimal staff participation.
I will summarize all your benefits:
You will create passive, recurring income, with little staff participation.
You will save the supporters money and you can create a network of Supporters Nationally! You are no longer limited to those in your neighborhood!
Before explaining how your supporters save money, I want to underline something very important.

It is a fact that people usually know how much they spend on their mortgage, or car payments, or even remember how much money they spend on gas and electricity, but if you ask them how much they usually spend per year on renting videos, buying games or CD’s, etc. they do NOT have any idea!

Here is a typical monthly example:

Rent 4 movies–spend anything from $16.00 to $20.00, buy 1 new release movie– $20.00, later buy 2 bargain priced movies– from $15.00 to $20.00; children beg for a new video game -1 video game costs from $13.00 to $70.00. Then only one music CD– costs between $8.00 to $25.00.
Much to everyone’s surprise, the total bill can amount from $72 to $155 per month, which equals $864 to $1860 per year!

WOW, yes it sounds crazy, but the truth is, this is the ‘thief’ stealing their money. They aren’t aware that they have ‘an uninvited guest’ in their homes!

When they join GatorPond, they will save money with UNLIMITED trading, for only $19.95 per month, $239.40 per year.

Your supporters – now GatorPond members, will place their ‘used’, (but not ‘abused’) Movies, Music, & Video Games, VHS tapes on their account online and they will trade ‘what they have for what they want!’
All they need, is access to the Internet and an email account. Nowadays, almost every house has a computer and access to the Internet.
After they sign up, and place their media on their account online, they will be able to choose the same amount of media which they have listed. After a few clicks they will receive an email with confirmation that the selected movie will be sent in a few days.  
When somebody requests their media, they will receive an email stating that they have to place a specific DVD, CD, etc. (title given) into an envelope and send it to the given address.
That’s it. It’s as simple as ABC!